Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Zoe is Two Months Old!

Zoe Grace, you are two months old!  Daddy and I love you more and more everyday. 

We've had a few big changes the last month.  First, Mommy went back to work.  It was very hard to leave you that first day, your daddy had to push me out the door to get me to go.  Daddy stayed home that first week so I could get adjusted to working everyday again.  You and Daddy had a great week together!
Smiling at Daddy
The next weekend we got a new car! 

Mommy's favorite part of her new car!
The next big thing is you started going to daycare!  It was so hard dropping you off the first morning, but you had such a good day, and Bobbi loves taking care of you!  And Fridays you stay with Gram!

All ready for your first day of daycare!
Here are a few things that you are doing at two months old:
- Weighed 10lbs 2oz at your two month check up
- Measured 22 inches long, you've grown an inch!
- Eat 4oz at each feeding and eat about every three hours
- Still sleep in our room in your Pack 'n Play
- Still sleep on your back and you like to be swaddled
- Have started taking naps in your crib
- The last few nights you have slept through the night between six and seven hours!
- Wear size 1 diapers
- Wear size 0-3 month clothes, you've grown out of almost all of your newborn clothes
- Do very well holding your head up when you are on your tummy
- Can sit in your Bumbo for a few minutes before you get tired

- Started sucking on your fingers even when you're not hungry
- Get a bath every night now as a part of your bedtime routine
- Have started following us with your eyes and just this morning I noticed you turn your head towards me when I started talking to you
- Have started "talking" to us, it's the best sound in the world
- Are on the verge of laughing, I have a feeling it will happen very soon!

Zoe, your daddy and I love you so much.  We can't get enough cuddle time with you and we just love to kiss on those chubby cheeks!  You are such a precious little girl and we can't wait to see what the next month brings!