Thursday, December 20, 2012

Eleven Months!

Zoe, you are eleven months old!  You have learned so much in the last few weeks, it's so cool to watch what you can do!

Here's what you are doing at eleven months!
- Talking A LOT!  We wish we could understand what you are saying!
- You wave and say hi or hello when you see someone
- Some other words you can say are mama, yeah and no
- You have started crawling in the last few days!
- You have seven teeth, four on top and three on the bottom
- Still in size three diapers and 12 month clothes
- You sleep through the night except for one week this past month where you woke up once or twice a night.  We think it was a combination of teething and growing pains
- When we are with a group of people, you are shy at first but once you get used to everything you start talking and doing all of your tricks
- You love cheerios and drinking juice from your sippy cup
- You had your first Thanksgiving and your first visit with Santa

Here are some pictures from the last few weeks!

Playing at Gram and G's!
Waiting to see Santa Claus!
Playing with Holly and Aunt Cathy on Thanksgiving!
Watching the Christmas Lights in Frisco Square!
One of my favorite pictures of you and your daddy!
Another one of my favorite pictures of you.  You were having a good time in the grocery store!
Another one from the grocery store, wearing Daddy's hat!
Visiting with Santa Claus!
The last month has gone by so fast, and your first birthday is right around the corner!  We need to slow down this growing up business.  Daddy and I love you Zoe Zo, here's to another month!!