Thursday, December 20, 2012

Eleven Months!

Zoe, you are eleven months old!  You have learned so much in the last few weeks, it's so cool to watch what you can do!

Here's what you are doing at eleven months!
- Talking A LOT!  We wish we could understand what you are saying!
- You wave and say hi or hello when you see someone
- Some other words you can say are mama, yeah and no
- You have started crawling in the last few days!
- You have seven teeth, four on top and three on the bottom
- Still in size three diapers and 12 month clothes
- You sleep through the night except for one week this past month where you woke up once or twice a night.  We think it was a combination of teething and growing pains
- When we are with a group of people, you are shy at first but once you get used to everything you start talking and doing all of your tricks
- You love cheerios and drinking juice from your sippy cup
- You had your first Thanksgiving and your first visit with Santa

Here are some pictures from the last few weeks!

Playing at Gram and G's!
Waiting to see Santa Claus!
Playing with Holly and Aunt Cathy on Thanksgiving!
Watching the Christmas Lights in Frisco Square!
One of my favorite pictures of you and your daddy!
Another one of my favorite pictures of you.  You were having a good time in the grocery store!
Another one from the grocery store, wearing Daddy's hat!
Visiting with Santa Claus!
The last month has gone by so fast, and your first birthday is right around the corner!  We need to slow down this growing up business.  Daddy and I love you Zoe Zo, here's to another month!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ten Months Old!

There is no way our little girl is already ten months old, I just can't believe it!

The difference in your nine and tenth month pictures is just amazing to me.  You're starting to look more like a little girl rather than a baby girl.  It's great that you are growing and learning so much!  Here is what you are up to at ten (technically ten and a half) months.

- You are still eating fruits and vegetables, but we have also started giving you regular food from our plates.  So far so good.
- You have seven teeth total now with four on top and two on the bottom with a third on the bottom coming in as we speak!
- You are wearing 12 month clothes (most of them from Maggie and we couldn't be more thankful!)
- You are a very fast roller!  We're thinking you might be like Daddy and skip the crawling stage and go straight to walking.
- You are now able to sit up from a lying down position all on your own. (I have yet to see it, but Daddy and Gram have witnessed it!....scratch that I just saw it!!)
-We are working on standing and pulling up, we can tell you want to do it so badly but are being hesitant with it.  You will get there!
- You start off on your back when we put you down for a nap or for the night but usually end up on your tummy with your thumb in your mouth when we come to get you!
- You have been much better about naps lately on weekends with us, sleeping at least an hour but sometimes two hours twice a day.
- You had your first sick visit this past month.  You had a little fever and a cold with a slight ear infection.  We also had a visit from the stomach bug this past week with all three of us catching fun!
- You sometimes have a bit of separation anxiety, even when we walk two feet away you, you let us know if you're not happy about it!
- You still say uh-oh a lot and dada, I'm still waiting for mama!
-You have started going to the nursery for church! 

Here are some pictures from the last month and a half!

Playing in your Pack n Play!
Conked out after church at Chipotle
Your first Halloween!

You love Winston!
Hanging out with Mimi!
I just love this picture :)
Reading a good book!
Zoe, I can't believe this first year is almost over!  It is going by way too fast!  We still have your first Thanksgiving coming up in a few days and your first Christmas in about a month and we can't wait for you to experience those!  We love you so much sweet girl, here's to another month!!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

State Fair of Texas!

Zoe's daycare was closed yesterday and I took the day off to stay with her, so we decided to go to the fair with the Kuethe's!  We had so much fun, here are some pictures from our day!

Heading into the fair!
Big Tex!
Posing with Daddy!
Snack time!  Enjoying a gram cracker with her buddy Jacob!
Texas Star!
I took Luke on the ferris wheel, here's our view!
Here's a picture of Luke, we had to wait until we got to the very top to take it!
Time to go home!
We were at the fair for about five hours and thought Zoe would crash out in the car on the way home, but nope!  She stayed up and laughed and squealed in the back seat the entire way home, such a happy little girl.  We had so much fun with the Kuethe's, can't wait to do it again next year!!

Zoe is Nine Months Old!

Zoe, I can't believe you are already nine months old!  You are growing up way too fast!!

Here is what you are up to at nine months:
- You are wearing 9 month clothes and some 12 month
- You wear size 3 diapers
- You have tiny feet so we have trouble finding socks and shoes to fit!
- You have oatmeal for breakfast in the morning and fruits and vegetables throughout the day along with some formula
- You now have a total of four teeth with two new ones coming in on the top!
- You are able to play independently on the floor and keep yourself entertained

- You are a rolling machine!  If you want to get somewhere you just roll there
- We are working with you on standing

- You say dada all the time and you can say uh-oh!

- You are a musical genius!

-You had your first overnight stay with Gram and G and did great!

Here are some more pictures from the last month.

Playing with Luke and Jacob!
Uncle Matt came home for a visit!
Bouncing in the bouncer the Kuethe's let us borrow! 
Zoe it is so fun watching you grow into such a sweet, beautiful little girl.  Daddy and I love you so so much Zoe Zo!!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Road Trip!

So after being out of work for three months and finally finding a job, we decided to take a short weekend trip to San Antonio to celebrate and get away for a little bit.  Zoe did amazing!  Had no problems going to sleep in a different place each night and was great in the car.  Here are some pictures from our trip!

It still amazes me how much stuff a baby needs!  Zoe had four bags just for herself while Mike and I shared one suitcase.

Left Mimi and Papa's for the first leg of our trip and Zoe passed out within ten minutes.  After a short stop and a costume change we were back in the car and listening to Zoe talk!

We stopped for lunch in Georgetown.

And then we were off to San Antonio!  I had the most genious idea that we should take Zoe to the zoo...dumbest idea I ever had!  It was way too hot to be walking around outside, but it didn't seem to bother Zoe one bit.  Here are some pictures from the zoo!

After the zoo we went to the hotel to cool off and clean up before we headed down to an even hotter and much more humid and very crowded River Walk!  We found a Mexican restaurant that didn't have too long of a wait and enjoyed some dinner before heading back to the hotel to get Zoe ready for bed.  Here she is after her bath playing a little bit before bed time.

The next morning we got up, had some breakfast and were off to the Alamo!
We took a tour of the inside of the Alamo and when we got inside, Zoe started laughing for no reason.  Mike thinks she saw the ghosts of the Alamo and they were making her laugh :)  It was nap time for this sweet girl!

After the Alamo we hopped in the car and made our way to Fredericksburg and then on to Luckenboch.  Zoe was asleep in the car when we got to Luckenbock so Mike ran and got us a couple of t-shirts and then we were off to Austin.  We got to Austin just in time for some dinner and since our hotel was on the UT campus we decided to walk Zoe over there and take a picture for her Gram, G, and Uncle Matt.

By this point, we were all so exhausted that we just went back to the hotel and relaxed.  The next day we drove through Waco and decided to stop at the Dr. Pepper museum!

We had such a good time with Zoe on her first trip, she really could not have done any better!  Can't wait for the next one!!

Zoe is Eight Months Old!

This post is a little late, so technically, Zoe, you're eight and a half months old!  We've had a busy month and so much fun with you!

This past month, Mommy started and new job and we took you on your first trip.  Here is what you have been doing the last month!

- You are much steadier sitting up on your own
- Finally got sick of being on your back all the time and have started to roll over from tummy to back and back to tummy!

- Wearing size 3 diapers still
- Wearing 6-9 month clothes and can even wear some 12 month clothes.  9 months fit you best.
- Still eating oatmeal in the morning and some fruits and vegetables throughout the day with a 6 oz bottle before bed
- You can hold your bottle by yourself as long as you're on your back and we're still practicing with a sippy cup

- Have tried mashed potatoes, you were not a fan, and some scrambled eggs, you were okay with those
- We've started giving you puffs to practice chewing
- Usually in your crib by 8 every night and most mornings during the week we have to wake you up at 7 to get ready for daycare
- You love your bathtime
- You still have just the two teeth on the bottom
- You have started clapping

Here are some more pictures from the last month!

With Katie for her 30th birthday lunch!
You love your Holly!
Watching the fish at Cabella's!
Love this sweet face!
Bubble bath!
Zoe, Daddy and I love you and can't imagine life without you!  Here's to another month!