Saturday, January 26, 2013

Zoe's a Year Old!

Zoe, you are a year old, I can't believe it!  The past year just flew by, but it was the best and most rewarding year yet.  It has been so much fun watching you grow and learn and change into the sweet little girl you are.

One day old!

One year old!
Here's what you are up to at a year old!
- Talking all the time!
- You like to pick up your phone put it to your shoulder and say hello
- You are crawling all over the place and love to practice walking as long as we don't let go!
- You have eight teeth now, four on top and four on bottom
- You point at everything and ask "What's that?"
- You have moved up to size four diapers and are still wearing some 12m clothes but are also wearing 12-18m
- You got measured for new shoes and wear a size 3.5
- You are eating more regular foods.  Your favorites seem to be peas and chicken but you are not picky!
- You've started dancing and clapping when you hear music
- You pull up on everything!
- You LOVE your grandparents!  There are times when you are with them and you won't go to me or your daddy
Here are some pictures from the last month!
My big girl!
Love that sweet little face!
Playing in your car!
Playing with Daddy's phone!
Reading a book with Grammy Great!
Dancing to the music!
Keeping us entertained at dinner!
Zoe, we love you so much and can't wait to see what the next year brings!  We love being your mommy and daddy!  Happy birthday sweet girl!!