Friday, July 13, 2012


Zoe was baptized on Sunday, July 8, at Custer Road United Methodist Church.  We had a lot of family and friends there with us on this special occassion.  Here are a few photos from that morning!

Trying on her dress to make sure it fit.  The dress was made out of my mom's wedding dress!

Saying hi to Tim!

Waiting to go up!

Getting baptized!

Tim showing off the babies

All done!

Gram and G!

Zoe and Randi

The picture from Uncle Matt and Randi!

After the baptism and pictures, we went to lunch with Zoe's Mimi and Papa and Uncle Kevin, Aunt Cindy, Uncle Bryan and Aunt Christy and all of Zoe's cousins.  It was a great morning!  And thank you to Randi for taking the pictures for us!!

Six Month Post

My precious little girl is six months old, I can't believe it!  Zoe you need to slow down a little bit, it's going by way too fast!

We have had so much fun with you the last month. You are smiling and laughing more and more every day

This is you with Daddy at your six month check up.  Here is what you are up to this month!
- Your six month stats are 17.11 pounds and you are 25.5 inches long
- You have started reaching out for things so we're having to get in the habit of clearing the top of the table around us when you're sitting in our laps
- You are eating two tablespoons of oatmeal for breakfast now with a small bottle
- You have started eating vegetables for dinner and have liked everything we've given you so far except for peas.  Your G will be so proud!  Here's a picture taken after you finished your green beans.
- You are finally big enough to fill out your Bumbo and sit in it without slumping over!
- You are practicing sitting up on your own

- Still going to bed around 8 and sleeping through the night
- Wearing size three diapers
- You've grown out of all of your 3-6 month clothes and wearing 6 month and 6-9 month clothes (I've already filled up one bin with clothes you've outgrown!)
- You are talking up a storm and tell us stories while we're eating dinner, here's a video I took of you just talking away

- You have apparently learned to shake your head :)
- You have two teeth coming in on the bottom!  You can just see the tops of them coming in and it doesn't seem to be bothering you so far. 
- You are starting to get a little anxious around people you don't know very well, crying when they hold you, but once you get used to your surroundings and the people there you are good to go and are happy to be passed from person to person.  Here's a picture of you with your Great Granddaddy.

Zoe, I keep telling your Daddy that you need to slow down with this growing up stuff, but we are so happy that you are healthy and doing well!  We love you so much sweet girl and are looking forward to watching you grow even more in the next month!

Better Late Than Never!

So Zoe, I'm over a month late in posting this one, but I didn't want to leave it out.  It's your five month post! 

Here is what you were up to at five months old:
- Wearing size 2 diapers
- Still wearing some 3 month clothes but 3-6 months fit you best
- Eating two tablespoons of oatmeal for dinner
- Taking 8oz bottles of formula during the day about every four hours
- Still going to bed between 8 and 8:30 and sleeping until about 7

- Went swimming for the first time with the Kuethe family and had so much fun
- Still working on rolling over, you're so close!
- Still going to daycare everyday but Fridays when you stay with Gram

Zoe, your daddy and I love you so much, we couldn't have asked for a sweeter little girl!