Thursday, August 9, 2012

Seven Months!

Zoe you are seven months old!  I can't believe how fast you are growing and how much you have learned!

Here is what you are up to these days!
- Sitting up by yourself, but still need one of us next to you because you're still a little unsteady
- Can stand up holding on to the ottoman

- You are fascinated with cell phones and remote controls (or motes as we like to call them)
- You have two teeth on the bottom
- You love your bouncer!

- Wear six month clothes and some 6-9 month clothes
- Still in size 3 diapers
- Eat 2tbsp oatmeal with a bottle in the morning, get a fruit or a vegetable at night and have a bottle right before bed
- Have a new highchair that you eat in and can sit at the table with us during dinner

- Still sleeping from about 8 at night until 6:30 or 7 in the morning
And here are a few more pictures from the last month!

This is what happens to you on Fridays at Gram's

We think you look much better in red and black!  Wreck 'em!

Here you are in Van Alstyne with Uldine!

Hanging at Collin Creek Mall!
Practicing with a sippy cup!

So sleepy, you fell asleep with your tongue out :)

My favorite picture from your six month shoot!  Love that precious face!

Zoe the last seven months have just flown by!  You are so much fun and have the cutest personality.  Daddy and I love you so much sweet girl!