Saturday, October 13, 2012

State Fair of Texas!

Zoe's daycare was closed yesterday and I took the day off to stay with her, so we decided to go to the fair with the Kuethe's!  We had so much fun, here are some pictures from our day!

Heading into the fair!
Big Tex!
Posing with Daddy!
Snack time!  Enjoying a gram cracker with her buddy Jacob!
Texas Star!
I took Luke on the ferris wheel, here's our view!
Here's a picture of Luke, we had to wait until we got to the very top to take it!
Time to go home!
We were at the fair for about five hours and thought Zoe would crash out in the car on the way home, but nope!  She stayed up and laughed and squealed in the back seat the entire way home, such a happy little girl.  We had so much fun with the Kuethe's, can't wait to do it again next year!!

Zoe is Nine Months Old!

Zoe, I can't believe you are already nine months old!  You are growing up way too fast!!

Here is what you are up to at nine months:
- You are wearing 9 month clothes and some 12 month
- You wear size 3 diapers
- You have tiny feet so we have trouble finding socks and shoes to fit!
- You have oatmeal for breakfast in the morning and fruits and vegetables throughout the day along with some formula
- You now have a total of four teeth with two new ones coming in on the top!
- You are able to play independently on the floor and keep yourself entertained

- You are a rolling machine!  If you want to get somewhere you just roll there
- We are working with you on standing

- You say dada all the time and you can say uh-oh!

- You are a musical genius!

-You had your first overnight stay with Gram and G and did great!

Here are some more pictures from the last month.

Playing with Luke and Jacob!
Uncle Matt came home for a visit!
Bouncing in the bouncer the Kuethe's let us borrow! 
Zoe it is so fun watching you grow into such a sweet, beautiful little girl.  Daddy and I love you so so much Zoe Zo!!