Friday, April 6, 2012

Three months!

Zoe you are three months old!  I am amazed every day at how much you are growing and learning.

Here are some things we did this month.  You had a playdate with your friend Jarrett!

You were so cute together, even held hands for a little bit.  We also took a little road trip up to Ector, Texas to visit your Nan and Paw.  Here you are smiling at Nan!

Here are some things you are doing now!
- Eating 4oz every three hours, but will be bumped up to five very soon
- Take six ounces before going to bed
- Still sleep in our room in your Pack n Play but are no longer swaddled
- Start your bedtime routine at 8:00 now and are asleep by 8:45
- Just recently started sleeping through the night up to ten hours the last few days
- Take a few naps throughout the day, but are up and playing a lot more now
- Still wearing a size 1 diaper
- Have grown out of all of your newborn clothes, they are packed away which made Mommy very sad!
- Fit best in 0-3 month clothes, but are fitting into some 3 month
- Doing very well holding your head steady
- Talking up a storm
- Starting to laugh
We don't go to the doctor again until your four month check-up but I can tell you're growing every day!  Here are a few more pictures from the past month.
Close-up of you smiling at Nan!

Right after bathtime!

Waking you up after a ten hour stretch of sleep!
Zoe, Daddy and I love you more and more every day, you are such a blessing to us, and we are so honored that God chose us to be your parents.  Love you baby girl!

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