Saturday, September 22, 2012

Zoe is Eight Months Old!

This post is a little late, so technically, Zoe, you're eight and a half months old!  We've had a busy month and so much fun with you!

This past month, Mommy started and new job and we took you on your first trip.  Here is what you have been doing the last month!

- You are much steadier sitting up on your own
- Finally got sick of being on your back all the time and have started to roll over from tummy to back and back to tummy!

- Wearing size 3 diapers still
- Wearing 6-9 month clothes and can even wear some 12 month clothes.  9 months fit you best.
- Still eating oatmeal in the morning and some fruits and vegetables throughout the day with a 6 oz bottle before bed
- You can hold your bottle by yourself as long as you're on your back and we're still practicing with a sippy cup

- Have tried mashed potatoes, you were not a fan, and some scrambled eggs, you were okay with those
- We've started giving you puffs to practice chewing
- Usually in your crib by 8 every night and most mornings during the week we have to wake you up at 7 to get ready for daycare
- You love your bathtime
- You still have just the two teeth on the bottom
- You have started clapping

Here are some more pictures from the last month!

With Katie for her 30th birthday lunch!
You love your Holly!
Watching the fish at Cabella's!
Love this sweet face!
Bubble bath!
Zoe, Daddy and I love you and can't imagine life without you!  Here's to another month!

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