Saturday, October 13, 2012

Zoe is Nine Months Old!

Zoe, I can't believe you are already nine months old!  You are growing up way too fast!!

Here is what you are up to at nine months:
- You are wearing 9 month clothes and some 12 month
- You wear size 3 diapers
- You have tiny feet so we have trouble finding socks and shoes to fit!
- You have oatmeal for breakfast in the morning and fruits and vegetables throughout the day along with some formula
- You now have a total of four teeth with two new ones coming in on the top!
- You are able to play independently on the floor and keep yourself entertained

- You are a rolling machine!  If you want to get somewhere you just roll there
- We are working with you on standing

- You say dada all the time and you can say uh-oh!

- You are a musical genius!

-You had your first overnight stay with Gram and G and did great!

Here are some more pictures from the last month.

Playing with Luke and Jacob!
Uncle Matt came home for a visit!
Bouncing in the bouncer the Kuethe's let us borrow! 
Zoe it is so fun watching you grow into such a sweet, beautiful little girl.  Daddy and I love you so so much Zoe Zo!!

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