Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ten Months Old!

There is no way our little girl is already ten months old, I just can't believe it!

The difference in your nine and tenth month pictures is just amazing to me.  You're starting to look more like a little girl rather than a baby girl.  It's great that you are growing and learning so much!  Here is what you are up to at ten (technically ten and a half) months.

- You are still eating fruits and vegetables, but we have also started giving you regular food from our plates.  So far so good.
- You have seven teeth total now with four on top and two on the bottom with a third on the bottom coming in as we speak!
- You are wearing 12 month clothes (most of them from Maggie and we couldn't be more thankful!)
- You are a very fast roller!  We're thinking you might be like Daddy and skip the crawling stage and go straight to walking.
- You are now able to sit up from a lying down position all on your own. (I have yet to see it, but Daddy and Gram have witnessed it!....scratch that I just saw it!!)
-We are working on standing and pulling up, we can tell you want to do it so badly but are being hesitant with it.  You will get there!
- You start off on your back when we put you down for a nap or for the night but usually end up on your tummy with your thumb in your mouth when we come to get you!
- You have been much better about naps lately on weekends with us, sleeping at least an hour but sometimes two hours twice a day.
- You had your first sick visit this past month.  You had a little fever and a cold with a slight ear infection.  We also had a visit from the stomach bug this past week with all three of us catching fun!
- You sometimes have a bit of separation anxiety, even when we walk two feet away you, you let us know if you're not happy about it!
- You still say uh-oh a lot and dada, I'm still waiting for mama!
-You have started going to the nursery for church! 

Here are some pictures from the last month and a half!

Playing in your Pack n Play!
Conked out after church at Chipotle
Your first Halloween!

You love Winston!
Hanging out with Mimi!
I just love this picture :)
Reading a good book!
Zoe, I can't believe this first year is almost over!  It is going by way too fast!  We still have your first Thanksgiving coming up in a few days and your first Christmas in about a month and we can't wait for you to experience those!  We love you so much sweet girl, here's to another month!!

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